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Netergy CTI SDK v1.1b


The Netergy CTI Software Developer's Kit (SDK) v1.1b is a self-contained software development environment for:
  • Creating and testing JavaƖ based computer-telephony integrated (CTI) call control applications.
  • Creating, testing, and debugging value-added Java software products for CTI applications.
8x8's Netergy iPBX is a Java-based software server platform that provides complete iPBX features and functionality with full CTI support, including call control, physical terminal control and call routing. Netergy is scalable, supporting vertical applications through JTAPI v1.3 (Sun Microsystems' Java telephony applications programming interface). This kit is designed to allow developers to easily prototype and test computer telephony integration (CTI) applications without requiring access to a traditional PBX.
The SDK contains everything a developer needs to begin creating JTAPI CTI applications, including:
  • A developer version of 8x8's Netergy iPBX server software.
  • Sample CTI application called ePhone. 
  • Java-based sample code using JTAPI.
  • A virtual Symphony VoIP Media Hub.
  • Detailed installation and user documentation.
  • Java Runtime Environment (JRE) executables and JTAPI specification, included, which are also downloadable from Sun Microsystem's Website. 
Click on the following URLs for additional information regarding JRE (and JDK) and JTAPI:
Netergy supports standard server platforms, including Solaris-Sparc, Linux, and Windows NT. The included virtual Symphony Media Hub, CTI applications, and sample code can be run on the same server platform, or a separate client machine (Windows 98), as desired.

The Netergy CTI SDK that includes a physical 4-port VoIP Symphony Media Hub gateway is available immediately for US$995. Click here to order!

Try out the Netergy technology right away by installing the  Solaris-Sparc platform SDK version and a Virtual Symphony Media Hub! Both are available on this CD! 

Refer to the 8x8 Website to download other platform versions FREE.

The Netergy CTI SDK v1.1b with a virtual Sympony Media Hub allows you to build and test your CTI and JTAPI applications, immediately!

Note: the difference between the Netergy CTI SDK v1.1b and IntraSwitch CTI SDK v1.1 is simply a name change. In fact, the software still reflects "IntraSwitch" references throughout, due to the timing of the v1.1b release.
A Netergy CTI SDK v2.0 release, with added features and functionality, will be available no later than June 2000. Please check the 8x8 Website regularly for updates to this SDK release.
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